Stimulate innovation and business performance
LEGO® means building! But here we don't have a long assembly plan. There is room for everyone's creativity. This training allows you to work on different types of objectives, from company strategy to individual objectives and team development.
Depending on the chosen objectives, participants build a model that represents a metaphor for the situation. Here, it's our hands that reflect and the LEGO® blocks clear the path to creativity. After the construction phase, everyone explains the object created. Everyone in the group is actively involved in problem-solving in a benevolent environment that encourages new ideas. Then come more in-depth proposals and, finally, the establishment of an action plan based on the objectives.
This training is collective. It is suitable for all levels in an organization: managers, team leaders, project managers, and teams.

- Strategy: Business creation - Product and service innovation - Brand creation - Organizational strategy - Communication strategy - Project management.
- Human Resources: Leadership coaching - Conflict management - Change Management - Team cohesion.
- Individual development: Creative problem solving - Group decision Making - Better communicating ideas - Project Management.
You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.
according to Plato.
Training at the European Parliament, 2019.